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Real-time monitoring

MonitoringMonitoring Metrics ReceiverMonitoring Portal

This guide explains how to enable the real-time monitoring with BPK SmartLib. The lib will listen to session events, players metrics events and nanoCDN Agents events to report them in real-time to Broadpeak Monitoring Portal (aka MPO).

The monitoring can independently listen to events depending on the integration you have done:

  • Broadpeak CDN integration: session data (number of active sessions, current edge nodes used...)
  • Analytics integration or Analytics only integration: player metrics data (current layer used, number of paused sessions...)
  • nanoCDN integration: real-time data related to the current multicast stream (current bitrate, multicast active status...)

It is not required to follow all integration guides to use the real-time monitoring feature.


Activate the real-time monitoring

In order to activate the real-time monitoring, you will need to init the component with the Monitoring Portal (aka MPO) URL (including http or https).

The init method has to be called right after the BPK SmartLib initialization.

* Initialize the real-time monitoring
* @param monitoringAddress MPO address