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Setup ad insertion

Ad insertionAd trackingManifest Manipulation Engine

This guide explains how to enable ad insertion workflow and ad tracking with SmartLib, including interaction with third party ad libraries.

During these steps, you will learn:

  • how to initialize parameters to perform personalization of the ad insertion.
  • how to configure SmartLib to collect ads consumption on the end user’s device.

If the ad provider is Google, you will have to follow additional steps to integrate the Google PAL SDK.


SmartLib ad tracking is IAB certified and OM SDK compliant

Follow OM SDK integration to enable the viewability and verification measurement.


1. Activate advertising

At this point, you should have initialized the lib, created a streaming session object and have integrated the session lifecycle into your app.

In order to activate the ad insertion workflow (ad session creation, ad tracking and ad analytics), it is required to call this method after creating the streaming session object.

* Activate advertising workflow (including analytics and tracking)
* The method setAdParameter automatically calls this method

The session has to be started with the getURL method and must not be done on the main thread ! Because of generation duration of the Google nonce and technical requirements, it has to be done on another thread.

2. Set session ad parameters

Ad parameters are sent to the Broadpeak Manifest Manipulation Engine (aka MME) and the ad provider to generate a more personalized ad insertion. They have to be set before each streaming session with ads and are reset once used.

* This method set a parameter used for the ad insertion
* @param name Parameter name
* @param value Parameter value
session.setAdParameter("name", "value");

3. Listen to ad events

This method allows the app to listen to ad events:

  • when an ad break begins, onAdBreakBegin is triggered
  • when an ad break ends, onAdBreakEnd is triggered
  • when an ad begins, onAdBegin is triggered
  • when an ad ends, onAdEnd is triggered
  • if an ad is skippable, onAdSkippable is triggered after onAdBegin with skip begin position, current ad end position and ad break end position. This allows to skip either the current ad or all ads in ad break.

It can be used to interact with the UI, for instance to lock player controls during an ad or show a skip button.

The placement of the ad break can be computed:

  • pre-roll: the ad break position is equal to 0
  • post-roll: the ad break end position (ad break position + ad break duration) is greater than the content duration - 1 second
  • mid-roll: all other cases

Find more details about AdData and AdBreakData in Ad options.


Since the version 04.06.02, modifications have been made to the arguments of the ad events listener. Please update your code if needed.

Here are the modifications that have been implemented:

  • positionadBreakData.startPosition or adData.startPosition
  • durationadBreakData.duration or adData.duration
  • clickURLadData.clickURL
  • sequenceNumberadData.index
  • totalNumberadBreakData.adCount
session.setAdEventsListener(new AdManager.AdEventsListener() {
* Triggered when ad breaks begin
* @param adBreak Ad break data
void onAdBreakBegin(AdBreakData adBreak) {
// Lock player controls

* Triggered when an ad begin
* @param adData Ad data
* @param adBreakData Ad break data
void onAdBegin(AdData adData, AdBreakData adBreakData) {
// Show ad link button if needed

* Triggered when an ad is skippable
* @param adData Ad data
* @param adBreakData Ad break data
* @param adSkippablePosition position in millis where skip becomes allowed
* @param adEndPosition position in millis of ad end
* @param adBreakEndPosition position in millis of ad break end
void onAdSkippable(AdData adData, AdBreakData adBreakData, long adSkippablePosition, long adEndPosition, long adBreakEndPosition) {
// Show the skip message/button "skip ad in x seconds"

* Triggered when the ad is ended, not called if skipped
* @param adData Ad data
* @param adBreakData Ad break data
void onAdEnd(AdData adData, AdBreakData adBreakData) {
// Hide ad link, hide ad skip button

* Triggered when ad breaks ended, even in case of skipping
* @param adBreakData Ad break data
void onAdBreakEnd(AdBreakData adBreakData) {
// Unlock player controls, hide ad link, hide ad skip button

The method has to be called before starting the session (i.e calling getURL).

4. Send click tracking event

This method notifies the lib that the user clicked on the ad. If the ad provider defined a tracking callback, it will be called. The application should manage the URL independently, such as opening the web browser, while the lib is responsible for the tracking.


It has to be called during the playback of the ad.

// Send ad click when the user opens the ad link

5. What's next?

6. Full example

// Init SmartLib and Google PAL
SmartLib.getInstance().init(getApplicationContext(), ..., ..., ...);

// Create a new session
StreamingSession session = SmartLib.getInstance().createStreamingSession();

// Attach the player

// Listen to ad events
session.setAdEventsListener(new AdManager.AdEventsListener() {
public void onAdBreakBegin(AdBreakData adBreak) {
// Lock player controls

public void onAdBegin(AdData adData, AdBreakData adBreakData) {
// Show ad link button if needed

mAdLink.setClickURL(adData.clickURL); // on click, it will call session.adUserInteraction(AdInteractionType.CLICK);

public void onAdSkippable(AdData adData, AdBreakData adBreakData, long adSkippablePosition, long adEndPosition, long adBreakEndPosition) {
// Show the skip message/button "skip ad in x seconds"

public void onAdEnd(AdData adData, AdBreakData adBreakData) {
// Hide ad link and ad skip button

public void onAdBreakEnd(AdBreakData adBreakData) {
// Hide ad link and ad skip button

// Unlock player controls


// Start the session with/without ads
if (contentContainsAds) { // To be adapted

// Set ad parameters
session.setAdParameter("name1", "value1");
session.setAdParameter("name2", "value2");

// You must not call getURL on the main thread !
// Because of generation duration of the nonce and technical requirements, it has to be done on another thread
StreamingSessionResult result = session.getURL(CONTENT_URL);


// Notify that the user opened the ad link

// Stop the session
