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Google integration

Ad insertionAd trackingManifest Manipulation EngineGoogle

If using Google as ad provider, it requires few additional steps.


1. Setup Google PAL SDK

The Google PAL SDK has to be included manually (not yet available on the Google official repository).

Find the latest version on the Google developer platform:

And add it as a local maven repository to your root build.gradle

dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url ""

// Google PAL local repository
maven {
url file("PATH_TO_PAL_SDK/GooglePAL")

Next, add the dependency to the build.gradle file of your app module. We highly recommend to use PAL SDK 17.1.0, please ask us if you need another version.

implementation ''
implementation ''

Finally, add the rule to the proguard file

-keep class* { *; }
-keep public interface$NonceGeneratorCallback { *; }
-keep class$Builder { *; }
-keep interface { *; }
-keep interface { *; }
-keep class { *; }

2. Initialize the Google PAL SDK

First, you need to create a ConsentSettings and pass it to SmartLib. It has to be set before setPalParameters(...). Find more details on the Google PAL documentation.

// The default value for allowStorage() is false, but can be
// changed once the appropriate consent has been gathered. The
// getConsentToStorage() method is a placeholder for the publisher's own
// method of obtaining user consent, either by integrating with a CMP or
// based on other methods the publisher chooses to handle storage consent.

boolean isConsentToStorage = getConsentToStorage();
ConsentSettings consentSettings = ConsentSettings.builder()

To enable nonce generation, the PAL parameters have to be initialized once, after SmartLib init. If parameters are not yet known, set values to null.

Depending on your Google ad campaign, pal parameters may have to be set before each streaming session with ads.

* Set Google PAL parameters
* @param descriptionURL Google PAL parameter, set null if not used
* @param partnerName Google PAL parameter, set null if not used
* @param partnerVersion Google PAL parameter, set null if not used
* @param omidVersion Google PAL parameter, set null if not used
* @param playerType Google PAL parameter, set null if not used
* @param playerVersion Google PAL parameter, set null if not used
* @param ppid Google PAL parameter, set null if not used
* @param videoPlayerHeight Google PAL parameter, set 0 if not used
* @param videoPlayerWidth Google PAL parameter, set 0 if not used
* @param willAdAutoPlay Google PAL parameter, set false if not used
* @param willAdPlayMuted Google PAL parameter, set false if not used
AdManager.getInstance().setPalParameters(descriptionURL, partnerName, partnerVersion,
omidVersion, playerType, playerVersion, ppid,
videoPlayerHeight, videoPlayerWidth, willAdAutoPlay, willAdPlayMuted);

Parameters are reset when SmartLib release is called.

3. Notify Google PAL SDK of user events

Most of PAL SDK events are handled automatically by SmartLib :

  • sendAdImpression: Informs PAL that an ad click has occurred
  • sendPlaybackStart: Informs PAL that playback has started
  • sendPlaybackEnd: Informs PAL that playback has ended

The ad touch needs to be handled manually.

// Send touch when the player view is receiving a MotionEvent object
playerView.setOnTouchListener((view, motionEvent) -> {

return false;

4. Full example

// Init SmartLib and Google PAL
SmartLib.getInstance().init(getApplicationContext(), ..., ..., ...);

// Set consent settings (if using Google)
boolean isConsentToStorage = getConsentToStorage();
ConsentSettings consentSettings = ConsentSettings.builder()

// Set Google PAL parameters at init (if using Google, to speed up first nonce generation)
AdManager.getInstance().setPalParameters(descriptionURL, partnerName, partnerVersion,
omidVersion, playerType, playerVersion, ppid,
videoPlayerHeight, videoPlayerWidth, willAdAutoPlay, willAdPlayMuted);

// Create a new session
StreamingSession session = SmartLib.getInstance().createStreamingSession();

// Attach the player

// Forward touch events to Google PAL
playerView.setOnTouchListener((view, motionEvent) -> {

return false;

// Listen to ad events
session.setAdEventsListener(new AdManager.AdEventsListener() {
public void onAdBreakBegin(AdBreakData adBreak) {
// Lock player controls

public void onAdBegin(AdData adData, AdBreakData adBreakData) {
// Show ad link button if needed

mAdLink.setClickURL(clickURL); // on click, it will call session.adUserInteraction(AdInteractionType.CLICK);

public void onAdSkippable(AdData adData, AdBreakData adBreakData, long adSkippablePosition, long adEndPosition, long adBreakEndPosition) {
// Show the skip message/button "skip ad in x seconds"

public void onAdEnd(AdData adData, AdBreakData adBreakData) {
// Hide ad link and ad skip button

public void onAdBreakEnd(AdBreakData adBreakData) {
// Hide ad link and ad skip button

// Unlock player controls


// Start the session with/without ads
if (contentContainsAds) { // To be adapted

// Set ad parameters
session.setAdParameter("name1", "value1");
session.setAdParameter("name2", "value2");

// You must not call getURL on the main thread !
// Because of generation duration of the nonce and technical requirements, it has to be done on another thread
StreamingSessionResult result = session.getURL(CONTENT_URL);


// Notify that the user opened the ad link

// Stop the session
