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This guide will help you to debug your integration by reading and analysing the log.

getURL does not return a valid streaming URL


You are using a Broadpeak Advanced CDN to stream some sessions but getURL returns:

  • An error / an empty streaming URL
  • The same URL as requested / a URL that is not including a unique token

You might have an issue with the broadpeakDomainNames init parameter:

During BPK SmartLib init, you should see your broadpeak domain name:

11-29 10:11:36.081 I/BpkSmartLib: Init SmartLib...
11-29 10:11:36.081 I/BpkSmartLib: Version:
11-29 10:11:36.081 I/BpkSmartLib: Parameters:analyticsAddress=, nanoCDNHost=,

And during the session creation, you should see:

11-29 10:30:38.919 I/BpkSmartLib: [99987] Creating streaming session...
11-29 10:30:38.920 V/BpkPlayerMgr: Compatible players: generic,theoplayer,rxplayer
11-29 10:30:38.920 I/BpkStreamingSession: [99987] Player THEOplayer attached
11-29 10:30:38.920 I/BpkStreamingSession: [99987] getURL with
11-29 10:30:38.920 I/BpkSession: [99987] Starting session...
11-29 10:30:38.920 I/BpkSession: [99987] Player:name=THEOplayer, version=2.92.0
11-29 10:30:38.920 I/BpkSession: [99987] Player:capabilities={"adTracking":true}
11-29 10:30:38.921 V/BpkSessionTrackerTimeline: Creating event Start...
11-29 10:30:38.922 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] Workflow 5.5 => 5.1 (v04.02.04.1f88b30)
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] Parameters
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] analyticsAddress=
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] nanoCDNHost=
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987]
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] Options
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] MULTICAST_ONLY=false
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] LEGACY_MULTICAST_ONLY=false
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] REQUEST_REDIRECT_THIRD_PARTY_CDN=false
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] REQUEST_DIVERSITY=false
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] REQUEST_NANO_CDN=true
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] REQUEST_NANO_CDN_DURING_GET_QUERY=true
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] REQUEST_BROADPEAK_CDN=true
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] REQUEST_LOCAL_NANO_CDN_IF_CONNECTED_TO_WIFI=true
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] REQUEST_DIVERSITY_DYNAMIC_FAILOVER=false
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] REQUEST_BKYOU_IF_BROADPEAK_CDN=false
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] SESSION_KEEPALIVE=enabled if broadpeak domain name
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] SESSION_KEEPALIVE_FREQUENCY=5000ms
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] SESSION_TEARDOWN=enabled if broadpeak domain name
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] SESSION_REPORTING_MODE=default
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] TIMEOUT_NANO_CDN_REQUEST_ROUTER=2000ms
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] PIP_SESSION=false
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] ULTRA_LOW_LATENCY_SUPPORT=false
11-29 10:30:38.923 I/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] GDPR_PREFERENCE=4
11-29 10:30:38.924 D/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] Sending request to the BkM/umbrella:
11-29 10:30:39.037 D/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] BkM/umbrella responded with status code 200
11-29 10:30:39.037 D/BpkRequestMgr: [99987] BkM/umbrella is not providing a response timing
11-29 10:30:39.038 I/BpkSession: [99987] Session will start with keepalives/teardown (in broadpeak domains list)
11-29 10:30:39.038 V/BpkSession: [99987] Ticket detected: fwh2bthj5aaaas3zojokevdaaaaaaaaaaaamtz2gvbrctzyi
11-29 10:30:39.038 V/BpkSessionTrackerTimeline: Creating event RedirectionEnd...
11-29 10:30:39.038 I/BpkCacheMgr: Cleaning cache...
11-29 10:30:39.038 I/BpkCacheMgr: Sending cache content...
11-29 10:30:39.038 I/BpkSession: [99987] Session status: Result success. The session has been created. (code 0, detail )
11-29 10:30:39.038 I/BpkSession: [99987] Session redirected URL:

The getURL result includes an error code, it can be used to trigger a specific behavior on the app.

Find more details about getURL on the Session handling page.

Player metrics not sent to the Analytics Engine


You are using a Analytics Engine, but it is not receiving player metrics from the lib.

You might have an issue with the implementation:

  • Your Analytics Engine address is not configured in analyticsAddress init parameter
  • Your player is not attached to the session object
  • The app does not call session.stopStreamingSession()
  • If using a Broadpeak Advanced CDN, the broadpeakDomainNames init parameter is not configured (follow getURL does not return a valid streaming URL)
  • If using a Broadpeak Advanced CDN, the Broadpeak streamer (aka BkS400) does not send the session report to the Analytics Engine

During BPK SmartLib init, you should see your Analytics Engine address and your broadpeak domain name:

11-29 10:11:36.081 I/BpkSmartLib: Init SmartLib...
11-29 10:11:36.081 I/BpkSmartLib: Version:
11-29 10:11:36.081 I/BpkSmartLib: Parameters:analyticsAddress=, nanoCDNHost=,

During the session creation, you should see:

11-29 11:38:01.912 I/BpkSmartLib: [77456] Creating streaming session...
11-29 11:38:01.913 I/BpkStreamingSession: [77456] Player THEOplayer attached
11-29 11:38:01.913 I/BpkStreamingSession: [77456] getURL with
11-29 11:38:01.913 I/BpkSession: [77456] Starting session...
11-29 11:38:01.913 I/BpkSession: [77456] Player:name=THEOplayer, version=2.92.0
11-29 11:38:01.913 I/BpkSession: [77456] Player:capabilities={"adTracking":true}
11-29 11:38:01.914 V/BpkSessionTrackerTimeline: Creating event Start...
11-29 11:38:01.915 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] Workflow 5.5 => 5.1 (v04.02.04.1f88b30)
11-29 11:38:01.915 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] Parameters
11-29 11:38:01.915 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] analyticsAddress=
11-29 11:38:01.915 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] nanoCDNHost=
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456]
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] Options
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] MULTICAST_ONLY=false
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] LEGACY_MULTICAST_ONLY=false
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] REQUEST_REDIRECT_THIRD_PARTY_CDN=false
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] REQUEST_DIVERSITY=false
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] REQUEST_NANO_CDN=true
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] REQUEST_NANO_CDN_DURING_GET_QUERY=true
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] REQUEST_BROADPEAK_CDN=true
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] REQUEST_LOCAL_NANO_CDN_IF_CONNECTED_TO_WIFI=true
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] REQUEST_DIVERSITY_DYNAMIC_FAILOVER=false
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] REQUEST_BKYOU_IF_BROADPEAK_CDN=false
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] SESSION_KEEPALIVE=enabled if broadpeak domain name
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] SESSION_KEEPALIVE_FREQUENCY=5000ms
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] SESSION_TEARDOWN=enabled if broadpeak domain name
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] SESSION_REPORTING_MODE=default
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] TIMEOUT_NANO_CDN_REQUEST_ROUTER=2000ms
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] PIP_SESSION=false
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] ULTRA_LOW_LATENCY_SUPPORT=false
11-29 11:38:01.916 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] GDPR_PREFERENCE=4
11-29 11:38:01.916 D/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] Sending request to the BkM/umbrella:
11-29 11:38:02.238 D/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] BkM/umbrella responded with status code 200
11-29 11:38:02.238 D/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] BkM/umbrella is not providing a response timing
11-29 11:38:02.239 I/BpkSession: [77456] Session will start with keepalives/teardown (in broadpeak domains list)
1-29 11:38:02.239 V/BpkSession: [77456] Ticket detected: fwh2bthj5aaaas3zojokevdaaaaaaaaaaaamt1qgvjrcdyei
1-29 11:38:02.240 V/BpkSessionTrackerTimeline: Creating event RedirectionEnd...
11-29 11:38:02.240 I/BpkCacheMgr: Cleaning cache...
11-29 11:38:02.240 I/BpkCacheMgr: Sending cache content...
11-29 11:38:02.240 I/BpkSession: [77456] Session status: Result success. The session has been created. (code 0, detail )
11-29 11:38:02.240 I/BpkSession: [77456] Session redirected URL:

If using a Broadpeak Advanced CDN, during the playback, you should see:

11-29 11:38:07.526 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] Sending BkS400 request using method POST with metrics to
11-29 11:38:07.526 V/BpkRequestMgr: Executing POST request with body: {"Player":{"start":false,"gdpr":4,"session_id":"fwh2bthj5aaaas3zojokevdaaaaaaaaaaaamt1qgvjrcdyei","status_code":200,"content_url":"","redirect_url":"","redirection_time":325,"startup_time":602,"completion":1000,"played_time":5,"duration":6,"playback_type":"VOD","cnt_stall":0,"max_stall_time":0,"total_stall_time":0,"cnt_rebuffering":0,"max_rebuffering_time":0,"total_rebuffering_time":0,"min_bitrate":5413,"max_bitrate":5413,"average_bitrate":5413,"cnt_layer_switch":0,"time_spent_per_layer":{"5413":5005},"player_name":"THEOplayer","player_version":"2.92.0","device_os":"MacIntel","device_version":"5.0_(Macintosh__Intel_Mac_OS_X","device_type":"browser","uuid":"","nano_status":1,"custom_parameters":{},"timeline":"AQAABAABAAADAAMMAAIO9QAABAAA__8AAw","smartlib_version":"","player_error_code":"","ad_metrics":[],"network_type_list":"1","cdn_status_code":200,"nanocdn_status_code":"","bpkhttpserver_timing":-1}}
11-29 11:38:07.545 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] Send BkS400 request ends with status code: 204


11-29 11:38:12.571 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] Sending BkS400 request using method GET with metrics to
11-29 11:38:12.589 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] Send BkS400 request ends with status code: 204

When stopping the playback, and using a Broadpeak Advanced CDN, you should see:

11-29 11:44:21.643 I/BpkStreamingSession: [68896] Stopping streaming session...
11-29 11:44:21.645 V/BpkMetrics: Add watching range, duration 12707ms
11-29 11:44:21.645 V/BpkSessionTrackerTimeline: Creating event Stop...
11-29 11:44:21.647 D/BpkSession: [68896] Session ends with status code: 200
11-29 11:44:21.647 D/BpkSession: [68896] SessionReport: {
11-29 11:44:21.647 D/BpkSession: [68896] Keepalive manager method set to GET
11-29 11:44:21.647 D/BpkSessionTrackerEncoder: Timeline encoder generated uncompressed data (5 events, 30 bytes)
11-29 11:44:21.647 I/BpkRequestMgr: [68896] Sending BkS400 request using method GET with metrics to
11-29 11:44:21.648 D/BpkSession: [68896] 0 active job(s)
11-29 11:44:21.664 I/BpkRequestMgr: [68896] Send BkS400 request ends with status code: 204

When stopping the playback, and not using a Broadpeak Advanced CDN, you should see:

11-29 11:54:05.709 I/BpkStreamingSession: [89540] Stopping streaming session...
11-29 11:54:05.710 V/BpkMetrics: Add watching range, duration 8267ms
11-29 11:54:05.710 V/BpkSessionTrackerTimeline: Creating event Stop...
11-29 11:54:05.711 I/BpkCacheMgr: Deleting keepalive-OTUzNjExNjE2Njk3MTkyMzcyMjc2MzMxNTA1 from cache...
11-29 11:54:05.711 D/BpkSession: [89540] Session ends with status code: 200
11-29 11:54:05.711 D/BpkSession: [89540] SessionReport: {
11-29 11:54:05.711 D/BpkSession: [89540] Keepalive manager method set to undefined
11-29 11:54:05.711 D/BpkSessionTrackerEncoder: Timeline encoder generated uncompressed data (5 events, 30 bytes)
11-29 11:54:05.711 I/BpkCacheMgr: Storing report-22614361669719245711 in cache...
11-29 11:54:05.712 I/BpkCacheMgr: Cleaning cache...
11-29 11:54:05.712 I/BpkAnalyticsRequestMgr: [89540] Posting metrics to
11-29 11:54:05.712 D/BpkSessionTrackerEncoder: Timeline encoder generated uncompressed data (5 events, 30 bytes)
11-29 11:54:05.712 V/BpkAnalyticsRequestMgr: Executing POST request with body: {"start":false,"gdpr":4,"session_id":"OTUzNjExNjE2Njk3MTkyMzcyMjc2MzMxNTA1","status_code":200,"content_url":"","redirect_url":"","redirection_time":4,"startup_time":176,"completion":1000,"played_time":8,"duration":8,"playback_type":"VOD","cnt_stall":0,"max_stall_time":0,"total_stall_time":0,"cnt_rebuffering":0,"max_rebuffering_time":0,"total_rebuffering_time":0,"min_bitrate":9728,"max_bitrate":9728,"average_bitrate":9728,"cnt_layer_switch":0,"time_spent_per_layer":{"9728":8305},"player_name":"THEOplayer","player_version":"2.92.0","device_os":"MacIntel","device_version":"5.0_(Macintosh__Intel_Mac_OS_X","device_type":"browser","uuid":"","nano_status":1,"custom_parameters":{},"timeline":"AQAABAABAAADAAAMAAGhCAAABAAA__8AXwIAUwDI","smartlib_version":"","multipath":{},"player_error_code":"","ad_metrics":[],"network_type_list":"1","cdn_status_code":"","nanocdn_status_code":"","bpkhttpserver_timing":-1}
11-29 11:54:05.713 D/BpkSession: [89540] 0 active job(s)
11-29 11:54:05.744 I/BpkAnalyticsRequestMgr: [89540] Send session metrics ended with status code 202 (
11-29 11:54:05.744 I/BpkCacheMgr: Deleting report-22614361669719245711 from cache...
11-29 11:54:05.744 D/BpkAnalyticsRequestMgr: [89540] Send session metrics done

Find more details on the Session handling page.

The playback is not working after a pause


You are using a Broadpeak Advanced CDN to stream and the playback is not working after a pause.

You might have an issue with the broadpeakDomainNames init parameter:

During the playback, you should see keepalive requests:

11-29 11:38:07.526 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] Sending BkS400 request using method POST with metrics to
11-29 11:38:07.526 V/BpkRequestMgr: Executing POST request with body: {"Player":{"start":false,"gdpr":4,"session_id":"fwh2bthj5aaaas3zojokevdaaaaaaaaaaaamt1qgvjrcdyei","status_code":200,"content_url":"","redirect_url":"","redirection_time":325,"startup_time":602,"completion":1000,"played_time":5,"duration":6,"playback_type":"VOD","cnt_stall":0,"max_stall_time":0,"total_stall_time":0,"cnt_rebuffering":0,"max_rebuffering_time":0,"total_rebuffering_time":0,"min_bitrate":5413,"max_bitrate":5413,"average_bitrate":5413,"cnt_layer_switch":0,"time_spent_per_layer":{"5413":5005},"player_name":"THEOplayer","player_version":"2.92.0","device_os":"MacIntel","device_version":"5.0_(Macintosh__Intel_Mac_OS_X","device_type":"browser","uuid":"","nano_status":1,"custom_parameters":{},"timeline":"AQAABAABAAADAAMMAAIO9QAABAAA__8AAw","smartlib_version":"","player_error_code":"","ad_metrics":[],"network_type_list":"1","cdn_status_code":200,"nanocdn_status_code":"","bpkhttpserver_timing":-1}}
11-29 11:38:07.545 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] Send BkS400 request ends with status code: 204


11-29 11:38:12.571 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] Sending BkS400 request using method GET with metrics to
11-29 11:38:12.589 I/BpkRequestMgr: [77456] Send BkS400 request ends with status code: 204

Find more details on the Session handling page.

The Ad insertion and ad tracking is not working


You have set up the ad insertion but the ad tracking is not working.

You might have an issue with the implementation:

  • Your player is not attached to the session object
  • The app does not call session.activateAdvertising()
  • If using a Broadpeak Advanced CDN, the broadpeakDomainNames init parameter is not configured (follow getURL does not return a valid streaming URL)

During the session creation, you should see:

11-29 15:44:38.836 I/BpkSmartLib: [14592] Creating streaming session...
11-29 15:44:38.836 V/BpkPlayerMgr: Compatible players: generic,theoplayer,rxplayer
11-29 15:44:38.836 I/BpkStreamingSession: [14592] Player THEOplayer attached
11-29 15:44:38.836 D/BpkAdSession: Ad session activated
11-29 15:44:38.836 I/BpkStreamingSession: [14592] getURL with
11-29 15:44:38.837 I/BpkSession: [14592] Starting session...
11-29 15:44:38.837 I/BpkSession: [14592] Player:name=THEOplayer, version=2.92.0
11-29 15:44:38.837 I/BpkSession: [14592] Player:capabilities={"adTracking":true}
11-29 15:44:38.838 V/BpkSessionTrackerTimeline: Creating event Start...
11-29 15:44:38.839 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] Workflow 5.5 => 5.1 (v04.02.04.1f88b30)
11-29 15:44:38.839 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] Parameters
11-29 15:44:38.839 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] analyticsAddress=
11-29 15:44:38.839 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] nanoCDNHost=
11-29 15:44:38.839 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592],
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] Options
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] MULTICAST_ONLY=false
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] LEGACY_MULTICAST_ONLY=false
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] REQUEST_REDIRECT_THIRD_PARTY_CDN=false
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] REQUEST_DIVERSITY=false
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] REQUEST_NANO_CDN=true
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] REQUEST_NANO_CDN_DURING_GET_QUERY=true
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] REQUEST_BROADPEAK_CDN=true
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] REQUEST_LOCAL_NANO_CDN_IF_CONNECTED_TO_WIFI=true
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] REQUEST_DIVERSITY_DYNAMIC_FAILOVER=false
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] REQUEST_BKYOU_IF_BROADPEAK_CDN=false
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] SESSION_KEEPALIVE=enabled if broadpeak domain name
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] SESSION_KEEPALIVE_FREQUENCY=5000ms
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] SESSION_TEARDOWN=enabled if broadpeak domain name
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] SESSION_REPORTING_MODE=default
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] TIMEOUT_NANO_CDN_REQUEST_ROUTER=2000ms
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] PIP_SESSION=false
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] ULTRA_LOW_LATENCY_SUPPORT=false
11-29 15:44:38.840 I/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] GDPR_PREFERENCE=4
11-29 15:44:38.840 D/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] Sending request to the BkM/umbrella:
11-29 15:44:38.911 D/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] BkM/umbrella responded with status code 200
11-29 15:44:38.911 D/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] BkM/umbrella is not providing a response timing
11-29 15:44:38.912 D/BpkAdTrackingMgr: [14592] BkYou session initialized
11-29 15:44:38.912 I/BpkSession: [14592] Session will start with keepalives/teardown (in broadpeak domains list)
11-29 15:44:38.912 V/BpkSession: [14592] Ticket detected: AAC@0u2fnujzsxurgeuekyk3rzl0itgfhkeuut444gba
11-29 15:44:38.912 V/BpkSessionTrackerTimeline: Creating event RedirectionEnd...
11-29 15:44:38.912 I/BpkCacheMgr: Cleaning cache...
11-29 15:44:38.912 I/BpkCacheMgr: Sending cache content...
11-29 15:44:38.912 I/BpkSession: [14592] Session status: Result success. The session has been created. (code 0, detail )
11-29 15:44:38.913 I/BpkSession: [14592] Session redirected URL:
11-29 15:44:39.076 D/BpkMetricsMgr: [14592] Player changed layer to 6441kbps
11-29 15:44:39.136 D/BpkMetricsMgr: [14592] Player seeked from 14:44:38.636 to 00:00:00.002
11-29 15:44:39.136 V/BpkSessionTrackerTimeline: Creating event Seek...
11-29 15:44:39.136 V/BpkMetrics: Add watching range, duration 1669733078636ms
11-29 15:44:39.137 D/BpkSession: [14592] Ad tracking enabled
11-29 15:44:39.137 I/BpkMetricsMgr: [14592] Streaming session started (6441kpbs,00:00:00.003)
11-29 15:44:39.137 V/BpkSessionTrackerTimeline: Creating event FirstImage...
11-29 15:44:39.137 D/BpkKeepAliveMgr: [14592] Using Broadpeak CDN keepalive manager...
11-29 15:44:39.137 D/BpkAdTrackingMgr: [14592] Ad tracking paused (no more event)
11-29 15:44:39.137 D/BpkAdTrackingMgr: [14592] Updating ad tracking file...
11-29 15:44:39.138 D/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] Sending request to the BkYou (async:true):
11-29 15:44:39.157 D/BpkRequestMgr: [14592] BkYou responded with status code 200

Find more details on the Setup ad insertion page.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

You may use a device that is not supporting a new JavaScript syntax (as the spread syntax or optional chaining operators) or use native methods not implemented on your JavaScript engine.

In that case, use a JS package with compatibility and/or polyfills instead of the default version.


Find more details on the Project setup page under Using JS file.