OM SDK integration
The Open Measurement Software Development Kit (OM SDK) is designed to facilitate third party viewability and verification measurement for ads served to mobile app environments without requiring multiple Ad Verification Service Providers (Measurement Provider) Software Development Kits (SDKs).
The OM SDK is an implementation of the Open Measurement Interface Definition (OMID), which defines an API that any third-party verification provider can use to effectively measure ads served to any mobile SDK that implements that API.

SmartLib ad tracking is IAB certified and OM SDK compliant
- Follow Project setup
- Follow Session handling
- Follow Player integration
- Follow Setup ad tracking
- A player that supports the OM SDK
1. Getting started
The OM SDK is pre-integrated into SmartLib. In order to enable it in your app, you will need to install the SmartLib OM SDK module.
Depending on the target platform, you will need to add dependencies while setting up the project.
Android integration requires adding lib-omsdk
and smartlib-omsdk
modules to your Gradle configuration:
// Broadpeak OM SDK dependency
implementation 'tv.broadpeak.smartlib:lib-omsdk:1.4.8'
// SmartLib module to support the OM SDK
implementation 'tv.broadpeak.smartlib:smartlib-omsdk:...'
The OM SDK version included in lib-omsdk
is 1.4.8.
iOS & tvOS
Web integration requires you to provide the OM SDK. This can be done by adding two files, as described in IAB OM SDK for Web Video documentation.
They must be added along with the SmartLib OM SDK module:
<!-- OM SDK service binary script -->
<script src="path/to/your/OMSDK/Service/omweb-v1.js"></script>
<!-- OM SDK session client to interact with service -->
<script src="path/to/your/OMSDK/Session-Client/omid-session-client-v1.js"></script>
Then, import the SmartLib module:
Using NPM
<!-- SmartLib OM SDK module -->
<script src="omsdk.smartlib.browser.js"></script>
Using JS file
npm install @broadpeak/smartlib-omsdk --save
2. Integrate your player
This table lists all players with versions we are supporting. If the player is not listed or the version is not matching, please contact Broadpeak to ask a new integration.
Name | Version | Integration guide |