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Samsung Tizen AVPlay

1. Attach the player

When creating the player instance, attach it to the current session.

Your player listener has to be passed to the session object.


The method session.attachPlayer(...) has to be called before webapis.avplay.setListener(...).

<div class="content">
<object id="avplay" type="application/avplayer"></object>
// Create your player listener
var listener = {
onbufferingstart: function() {
console.log("Buffering start");

onbufferingprogress: function(percent) {
console.log("Buffering progress data : " + percent);


// Attach your player/listener to the current session
session.attachPlayer(webapis.avplay, listener);

// Set the player listener

2. Start a streaming session

The getURL method is used to get the actual streaming URL and start the streaming session. This method is also the starting point of the analytics calculation, for instance the startup time starts from this method.

The returned URL can be different for every video session. In case of using a Broadpeak CDN or a nanoCDN, it includes a unique token. It can be used only once per session object, once called the session is actually started.

When getURL returns an error, it means no streaming URL can be found. It has to trigger a specific behaviour on the application (error message, dialog...) and stopStreamingSession has to be called. Find more details about getURL errors on the session errors page.

It is recommended to perform this call on a different thread than the main thread, the method runs HTTP requests.


This method has to be called even for non-Broadpeak content URLs. In this case, the method will return the same URL.

// Get the stream URL from SmartLib
.then(result => {
if (!result.isError()) {
// Pass redirectedURL to your player;
} else {
// Stop the session

// Process the loading error

3. Stop a streaming session

The stopStreamingSession method must be called each time the session is stopped:

  • end users: when the playback is stopped by a user action
  • loading errors: when the streaming session cannot be started through the getURL method
  • player errors: when the player triggers a non-recoverable error during the playback (as a decoding error)
  • application or any others actions: when the app is killed
// Stop streaming session

// Stop the player

If the player generates a non-recoverable error during the playback (as a decoding error), call stopStreamingSession to stop the session.

// In your player listener
var listener = {

onerror: function(eventid) {
if (isNotRecoverableError(eventid)) {
